1 Virtual Sailor 2 Virtual_Sailor 3 Demo Time Expired:\n\nWe hope you enjoyed this amazing new demo.\nThe full version of this game offers unlimited game\ntime, more sceneries, more boats and much more.\n\nTo get the full version please visit the home page\nhttp://www.hangsim.com/vs or contact Ilan Papini\nat ilanp@netvision.net.il\n 4 Control\n---------------------\n\nHelm Left Left\nHelm Right Right\nCenter Helm End\n\nIncrease RPM +\nDecrease RPM -\nZero RPM *\n\nTrim Sails Down\nRelease Sails Up\n\nRaise Main PgUp\nLower Main PgDn\n\nRaise Jib Ins\nLower Jib Del\n\nMain Lock M\nJib Lock J\nSpinnaker S\n\nAnchor A\nAuto Helm H\nAuto Sail G\nAuto Dive G\n\nViews\n---------------------\n\nPilot View F1\nChase View F2\nMap View F5\nWeather View F6\n\nAzimuth Toggle Tab\n\nLook Left Numpad4\nLook Right Numpad6\nLook Up Numpad8\nLook Down Numpad2\nLook Ahead Numpad5\n\nMove Left Numpad1\nMove Right Numpad3\nMove Forward Numpad9\nMove Back Numpad7\nMove Up Numpad.\nMove Down Numpad0\n\nZoom Camera Z\nUnzoon Camera X\nReset Zoom C\n\nMove Camera Home\nChase Close Home\nChase Far End\n\nMisc\n---------------------\n\nDecrease Rate F3\nIncrease Rate F4\n\nBridge Light F7\nActivate Horn F8\n\nSink F9\nDive F9\nCapsize F11\n\nFPS Toggle F\nPanel Toggle P\nAzimuth Tggle Tab\n\nAuto Helm H\nAuto Sail G\nAuto Dive G\n